Best Treats for Rabbits: Top 10 Healthy Snacks for Your Bunny

Rabbits are adorable and lovable pets that bring joy to many families. As a pet owner, taking care of your rabbit’s health and happiness is important. One way to do this is by providing them with the best treats. Rabbit treats are a great way to bond with your pet and encourage good behavior. However, not all rabbit treats are created equal, and choosing the right ones is essential.

When shopping for rabbit treats, paying attention to the ingredients is crucial. Some treats may contain high levels of sugar or artificial additives that can harm your rabbit’s health. It’s best to choose treats made with natural ingredients and avoid those with added preservatives or sweeteners.

Another factor to consider when choosing rabbit treats is the type of treat. Some treats are designed to promote dental health, while others are meant to be used as rewards during training. Choosing treats that align with your rabbit’s needs and preferences is important.

Best Treats for Rabbits

We know how much you love your furry little friends, and we want to help you keep them happy and healthy. That’s why we’ve put together this list of the best treats for rabbits. These treats are not only delicious, but also provide important nutrients that your bunny needs to thrive. Check out our top picks below!

KATUMO Rabbit Chew Toys

Why We Like It: We highly recommend KATUMO Rabbit Chew Toys for those looking for a natural and healthy treat for their rabbits.

KATUMO Rabbit Chew Toys are rich in fiber, protein, and multiple vitamins, making them a nutritious and molar snack for rabbits. The cute shapes and perfect size of the treats help rabbits nibble easily, keeping their teeth in good shape, relieving boredom, and improving appetite.

The snack is also suitable for other small animals like guinea pigs, hamsters, chinchillas, squirrels, gerbils, and other rodents. The sealed packing ensures that the snacks remain dry and not easily crushed, making them easy to store for longer.

In conclusion, KATUMO Rabbit Chew Toys are a great choice for those looking for a natural and healthy treat for their rabbits and other small animals. The nutritious and molar snack helps promote digestion and maintain intestinal hea

  • Made of natural ingredients like carrot, timothy grass, and spinach

  • Promotes digestion and maintains intestinal health

  • Supports muscle and bone development of young and growing rabbits
  • Some rodents may take time to fall in love with the taste

  • Aluminum foil may stick to the paper inside the can lid

  • Not suitable for rabbits with certain dietary restrictions

Kaytee Timothy Biscuits Baked with Apples

Why We Like It: We highly recommend the Kaytee Timothy Biscuits Baked with Apples for small animal owners looking for a healthy and tasty treat for their furry friends.

We love that these biscuits are made with natural ingredients such as sun-cured timothy hay and apples, promoting optimal digestion and overall wellbeing for our small animals. The apple flavor is a hit with our furry friends, providing a flavorful snacking experience they will love. We also appreciate that these biscuits are perfect for placing in a dish or hand feeding, providing a fun and interactive way to bond with our pets.

One of the best things about the Kaytee Timothy Biscuits Baked with Apples is that they support dental health through natural chewing activity. Our pets love to gnaw on these biscuits, which helps to promote healthy teeth and gums. The high fiber content of natural timothy grass hay also supports our pet’s overall health.

However, it’s important to remember that treats should only be in moderation to avoid overfeeding. Some pets may not like the apple flavor, so it’s important to introduce these biscuits slowly and observe their reaction. We also noticed that the biscuits may crumble easily, creating a mess in the cage.

  • Supports dental health through natural chewing activity

  • Made with sun-cured timothy hay and apples

  • Ideal for playtime and bonding with your pet rabbit, hamster, chinchilla, and other small pets that crave the taste of real sun-cured timothy hay, apples, and molasses

  • Treats should only be given in moderation to avoid overfeeding

  • Some pets may not like the apple flavor

  • The biscuits may crumble easily, creating a mess

Vitakraft Nibble Rings Small Animal Treats

Why We Like It: We highly recommend Vitakraft Nibble Rings Small Animal Treats for healthy and nutritious rabbit treats.

We have used these treats for our rabbits and they love them. The crunchy texture of the nibble rings helps wear down their teeth and keep them strong, supporting their dental health. With over 300 crispy rings in each bag, we can treat our rabbits daily without running out anytime soon. These treats are also great for training rewards and everyday treating between meals.

We believe that Vitakraft Nibble Rings Small Animal Treats are a high-value and healthy option for small pets. Try them and see if your furry friends love them as much as ours!

  • Full of natural grains including alfalfa hay, giving these treats green color and tasty flavor. You and your small pet can feel good about no added sugars for a treat.

  • With added Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, and Riboflavin to bolster all the diets under the sun.

  • Healthy, nutritious, and small enough for training rewards and everyday treating between meals.
  • Only contains corn as the main ingredient, which may not be the best for bunnies’ digestive systems.

  • A bit too big for some small animals to eat comfortably.

  • Some customers have reported that their pets did not like the taste.

KATUMO Rabbit Chew Treats

Why We Like It: If you’re looking for a natural, healthy treat for your rabbit, KATUMO Rabbit Chew Treats are a great option.

These treats are perfect for rabbits needing extra nutrition and stimulation. The natural ingredients provide a variety of vitamins and minerals while the hard texture promotes healthy teeth.

The KATUMO Rabbit Chew Treats come in various shapes and flavors, making them perfect for hand feeding and bonding with your pet. The treats are also a great way to entertain your rabbit and prevent boredom.

If you’re looking for a healthy and natural treat for your rabbit, KATUMO Rabbit Chew Treats are a great choice.

  • Made with wholesome ingredients like carrot, timothy grass, and rose petals

  • Promote healthy teeth by providing a molar-grinding role

  • High-fiber, low-protein, low-calcium and multiple vitamin supplements
  • The aluminum foil may stick to the paper inside the can lid

  • Some customers feel that there could be more treats in the package

  • The treats may be demolished quickly by some pets

Vitakraft Drops Rabbit Treat – Wild Berry – Yogurt Treats for Rabbits Purple 5.3 Ounce (Pack of 1)

Why We Like It: If you’re looking for a delicious and healthy treat for your furry friend, we highly recommend the Vitakraft Drops Rabbit Treat – Wild Berry – Yogurt Treats for Rabbits.

We’ve personally used these treats for our rabbits and have found them to be a great option for spoiling them. The ripe berries and rich yogurt combine to create a delicious flavor our rabbits love. Plus, the small-batch production ensures the yogurt chips are always fresh and tasty.

We appreciate that these treats are made with natural ingredients and contain essential nutrients to support our rabbits’ health. We also like that they’re versatile and can be used for bonding, playtime, or an extra special reward.

However, we do caution that these treats should be given in moderation, as they’re not the healthiest option for your rabbit. Additionally, some rabbits may not enjoy the taste or texture of these treats, so it’s important to monitor their reaction.

We highly recommend the Vitakraft Drops Rabbit Treat – Wild Berry – Yogurt Treats for Rabbits as a tasty and healthy option for spoiling your furry friend.

  • These treats are made with natural ingredients, including real berries and natural whey, and contain no artificial colors or flavors.

  • With essential nutrient lecithin and high protein content, these snacks support a healthy lifestyle for your rabbit.

  • These treats are perfect for everyday bonding, playtime, or as an extra special reward.
  • These treats are not the healthiest option for your rabbit, so they should be given in moderation.

  • Some rabbits may not like the taste or texture of these treats.

  • The resealable bag may not keep the treats fresh for long.

Buying Guide

When buying treats for your rabbit, there are a few things to remember to ensure you choose the best product for your furry friend. Here are some features to look for when selecting rabbit treats:


First and foremost, it’s important to read the ingredients list. Look for treats made with natural, wholesome ingredients, and avoid those containing artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Rabbit treats should be primarily made of hay, vegetables, and fruits.


Rabbit treats should be given in moderation and not make up a significant portion of their diet. Look for treats that are low in sugar and high in fiber. Treats that are too high in sugar can cause digestive problems and obesity in rabbits.


Rabbits have sensitive teeth and digestive systems, so choosing treats that are easy to chew and digest is important. Treats that are too hard or crunchy can cause dental problems, while those that are too soft or sticky can cause digestive issues.

Size and Shape

The size and shape of the treats can also be important. Treats that are too small can be a choking hazard, while those that are too large can be difficult for rabbits to handle. Look for treats that are appropriately sized for your rabbit.


Finally, consider the packaging of the treats. Treats packaged in resealable bags or containers can help keep them fresh and prevent them from going stale. Avoid treats that are packaged in plastic bags that cannot be resealed.

By keeping these features in mind, you can choose the best treats for your rabbit to provide them with a tasty and nutritious snack.